Optimize your energy through automations – we can help you get started
Why we want to help you manage your energy more efficiently
We ventured into the world of the Internet of Things (IoT) back in 2006. Even back then, we were confident that IoT has the power to help a better world, a smarter world. Moreover, we wanted to gain as much technological knowledge from this arena, as possible, because we had, and still have, a larger goal in mind. To help others manage their energy more efficiently, through automation.
The reason why we want to help you manage your energy more efficiently is that we believe that energy optimization is a necessary step towards a more sustainable future. A future, where the price of energy is not incrementally increased. A future, where every company has equal access to the grid, for the same affordable price, without major economic costs.
However, in order for us to get closer to this vision, we all have to start optimizing our energy consumption.
Change is difficult but automating them is easy
Energy efficiency management is, relatively, easier said than done. It may seem difficult when you do not know where to start. Where do you even waste energy? And where do you find your saving potential?
Do not worry. We can help you.
The where is simple to answer, through ShowMe, which is our energy efficiency management tool. ShowMe provides you with an overview of your idle energy consumption, amongst other real-time data. You get an overview of where you use your energy. And it lets you know where the saving potentials are.
Getting an overview is easy. All you need is a wi-fi connection and your NemID.
Follow this guide to get started and find out how you consume your energy.
And once you have analyzed your energy data, the next step is to be specific with your actions, towards reducing where your energy is wasted. However, make sure that the actionable steps are conveyed explicitly, so they can work in practice. We want to emphasize this because it is human to err. This means, that you may find that some of your employees can find the new changes difficult to uphold.
Do not let this discourage your plan to optimize your company’s energy consumption. If you find that the saving initiatives are hard to uphold, then reach out to us. We can help you automate specific actions. This means, that everyone in your company can continue with your regular workflow, without worrying about saving energy – automation will do it for you.
The steps towards energy optimization with ShowMe
Whether you decide to practice energy efficiency on your own, or with external help, this model may be useful for you, in this endeavour. Those are the steps to be aware of in order to successfully optimize and save money on your annual energy consumption.
Through ShowMe, Seluxit managed to save 25% in our baseload energy consumption. And we want to help you reduce your energy consumption and save money, too.
More than just a smart management tool
Once you subscribe to our energy efficiency solution, you get more than just a management tool.
Aside from getting an overview of your baseload energy, you also get a clear action plan with concrete saving initiatives, which will be set up and automated for you. And lastly, you also get frequent reports on these efficiency initiatives, which we will evaluate continuously on, together.
In other words, you also have a team of energy experts who is there for you throughout all the steps you need.
The cheapest form of energy is the energy we do not waste. So start optimizing your energy today.