Seluxit EMS Prices

We offer four types of packages that fit your needs. All plans provide a set of essential features and fast connectivity.



1 month trial period


300 kr.

monthly subscription fee

Next level

600 kr.

monthly subscription fee


Customized price

based on your business size and needs

Hvilket abonnement du skal bruge, afhænger af dit årlige el-forbrug.

Du ønsker
Vil starte uden store investering
Hvem du er
Til mindre virksomheder der gerne vil spare på strømmen.
Årlig energi forbrug (op til)
25.000 kWh
Hvor meget kan jeg spare?
Typisk besparelse mellem 5.000 og 15.000 DKK/år
Next level
Du ønsker
Vil skabe stor effekt på nøgleområder
Hvem du er
Til mellemstore virksomheder der gerne vil spare på strømmen.
Årlig energi forbrug (op til)
100.000 kWh
Hvor meget kan jeg spare?
Typisk besparelse mellem 20.000 og 75.000 DKK/år
Du ønsker
Vil tage kontrol over omkostninger, co2 udledning og intern tidsforbrug
Hvem du er
For small and medium-sized companies with spacial installation needs or multiple locations.
Årlig energi forbrug (op til)
Hvor meget kan jeg spare?

Seluxit EMS package prices

To get you started, we offer package solutions including help with meter installation and feature setup.

Free trial

Kom godt igang med at forstå og reducere dit elforbrug, med installation og energirådgivning.


office pack

1 month for free


vil starte uden store investering. Vil komme nemt i gang med at spare og undgå energispild og få overblik

  • Seluxit EMS basic features
  • 1 Sensel meter-reading device
  • 2 Shelly power plugs with metering and remote control
  • 1 alarm configuration in case of energy price increase



300 kr monthly subscription fee + setup

Next level package

Ønsker styring der sikrer omkostninger besparelse eller energibesparelse. Har behov for alarmer og vil satte ind inder det gar galt.

  • Seluxit EMS basic features
  • 1 Sensel meter-reading device
  • 5 Shelly power plugs with metering and remote control
  • 1 wireless bi-directional meter
  • 2 alarm configurations
  • 1 automation configuration

Additional setup price 6.900 kr.

electric meter icon

600 kr/month subscription + setup


Tilpassede løsninger til specielle behov


electric meter icon

based on your business size and needs

Seluxit EMS Basic features

  • Integration of Energinet’s historical electricity consumption data.
  • Automatic weekly, monthly and yearly reports summarizing your energy consumption, as well as forecasts for the upcoming period.
  • Visualization of your energy data 2 years back in time.
  • Visualization of the consumption data in DKK, CO2 and kWh.
  • Analysis tool ShowMe:
    • consumption per hour/day through the heatmap
    • Duration curve analysis.
    • Standby consumption and for how many hours what amount of electricity is used.
    • Analysis of abnormalities in consumption
    • Additional analysis options to learn more about how your consumption is developing.
ShowMe app and monthly report screenshots

Ready to start saving?

Fill in your contact form or give us a call to place an order or get more details about our pricing.

+45 46 922 722